I headed over to Zu den Zwölf Aposteln -- which bills itself as "Erste Frankfurter Hausbrauerei" (Frankfurt's First Brewpub). I don't know if that is correct but it looks old enough to so be.
They had the usual "Hell" and "Dunkel" that is the staple of most German (modern style) brewpubs. I had a glass of each and they were drinkable -- but just barely by Bamberg standards. The meal was good but I felt no need to have another beer.
I like Bamberg very much but there is one thing I miss -- I was sitting at an outdoor cafe here, having a crappy Czech beer (again, by Bamberg standards -- Krušovice, which is owned by Heineken) but I was enjoying myself. I had that same feeling I have on a summer night in Düsseldorf -- I could drink beer and people watch all evening. Bamberg has some great places to sit and people watch but none that serve any decent beer. Now the compensation is to watch the sun set while at Spezial Keller -- and while that is one of lifes pleasures, I really wish you could sit in the Grünner Markt or on the Obere Brücke and sip a great beer and watch the world pass you by.